Monday, June 26, 2023




A vacation can soothe the soul and leave you renewed, refreshed, and invigorated. Whether you are just now starting to plan your next vacation, or are merely looking for travel ideas and suggestions, read all the articles about travel. So take away some of the stress of making travel plans, and get started thinking about the fun and relaxing times you will soon be having on your next trip! When you are ready to plan an exciting vacation contact me!

Regardless of the pace and route, a biking vacation will make modest demands on a traveler’s physical conditioning. In considering whether a biking vacation is for you, take stock of you willingness to spend most of your day in the out-of-doors, in a bike saddle being very active. Some riding and exercising in advance of your vacation will help ensure that you do not spend your first nights on the road nursing sore muscles!
Your tour operator will probably suggest a training schedule prior to your trip that will match the rigour of your chosen itinerary. Some biking activity three times a week for several weeks before your travel is a must in order for you to fully enjoy the experience during your vacation.
It is worthwhile to take time prior to your trip familiarizing yourself with your routes. Although it is likely that your tour operator will provide you with a daily briefing, your own mental preparation and physical training will be easier to supplement if you know in advance the general course and terrain of your daily schedule while on the trip. Ask your tour operator to provide daily schedules with route guidelines in advance, if possible.
Finally, discuss with your personal traveling companions the various options on the trip and make sure that each is comfortable with the varying degrees of skill, fitness and desired pace represented by each member. It is important that the individuals that make up your personal traveling group are each in agreement that it will (or will not!) be appropriate for each biker to set their own pace and daily distance. Discussing such matters before you arrive at your destination will make your biking vacation much more pleasant on yourself and on the other participants.

The climate of the destination will determine your clothing selection. To the extent possible, pack lightly. Be sure to take equipment that is important to your comfort or protection such as your helmet (if not using the tour operator’s equipment), biking shoes and rain gear. Most excess luggage and equipment will be carried in the shuttle van during the course of the trip.
Are biking vacations safe? Any travel entails some degree of risk. However, biking tour operators are very much aware of the inherent risks of being in the out-of-doors and seek to minimize the risk riding in unfamiliar destinations.
Here are a few tips that can help you ensure that you enjoy your biking vacation with the maximum value and minimum risk:
  • Prepare for the trip by making sure that you can physically handle the course, pacing and terrain you have chosen.
  • Your tour operator will ultimately indicate that you are responsible for your choices, so be objective in your estimation of your conditioning.
  • Learn the rules of the road. If you are not in Kansas anymore, you might be in Killarney and that oncoming traffic means you have forgotten that you are supposed to be on the left side of the road. Other localities are more or less bike friendly than your home routes, so get good local advice and follow it!
  • As always, stay hydrated.
  • Wear a helmet!
  • Wear a helmet! (intentionally repeated!)
  • Respect the local inhabitants. You are their guest.
  • As with any vacation, travel insurance covering trip cancellation, trip interruption and medical emergencies is a good idea.
Biking vacations are available the world over. From a road not far from your home, to the most far off reaches of the planet, it is highly likely that an organized biking vacation exists. Even a brief list would include most of the countries of Europe and the UK, all 50 states of the US, Canada, South America, Africa, Australia and Asia.
In Europe, France, Italy and Switzerland, as well as England, Scotland and Ireland are all favorite biking destinations. In North America, the western United States, New England and practically all of Canada are offered by a multitude of tour operators. The Asia-Pacific area opens new and exciting possibilities in Vietnam, China and Cambodia. Practically any country that you would want to visit offers some biking vacation opportunities.

The seasons of your destination will determine the most comfortable time for you to undertake your biking vacation. Your personal budget will comprise the other half of the ‘when’ question and answer. In general, your best values are in the shoulder season: that period between the highest, peak travel months in your destination and the lowest, off season. Typical shoulder season weather is a bit cooler than peak seasons yet much more affordable. Low seasons, while very inexpensive, tend to be uncomfortable...too hot, too cold, or too wet. Balance off the cost of the trip with your comfort and you will find value!
Not all tour operators will offer all destinations during all seasons. Likewise many tour companies will have policies about cancelled departures resulting from too few participants. Be sure to check on, and be comfortable with, the tour operator’s right to cancel a departure. The brochure or website of your tour operator will likely have an FAQ (frequently asked questions) section. Review the FAQ’s with your travel consultant and fellow travelers until satisfied with your research.
Carefully review what is included in your rates. Some bike tour operators include tips, some do not. Taxes are almost always additional. Food is typically covered, as are any fees for additional activities, but cover these issues with your travel consultant when making arrangements. The world awaits, so get in gear!


I find buying a bicycle is a great way to stay in touch with people. 
Jan Chipchase

Live Life and Travel to create marvelous memories!

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