Monday, April 8, 2024



There is nothing more exciting than traveling. Whether you are going for a road trip to see something new in your own state, or heading off to somewhere for the very first time to visit a city you have always dreamed of, there are some travel basics that you should know. Travel in the off seasons from November to April, to avoid crowds, save money and enjoy temperate weather. In those months, many families with children cannot travel due to school commitments, making many tourist attractions much less crowded. This may also result in lower costs for airfare and hotels.  When you are ready to plan a vacation contact me!

Overview of Mexico
Mexico's Native American heritage and a distinct Spanish flavor make it a vibrant, colorful and unique destination. Its varied terrain ranges from cactus-studded deserts to white sandy beaches and blue waters, tropical rainforest and jungle-clad hills to steep rocky canyons and narrow gorges, and from snow-capped volcano peaks to huge, bustling cities. The extraordinary history of the country is visible in the ancient Mayan temples strewn across the jungles, the ruins of Aztec civilizations, rural indigenous villages, Spanish colonial cities, silver mining towns, and traditional Mexican ports.

Since the height of the Mayan and Aztec civilizations, Mexico has suffered the destructive force of the Conquistadors, European colonial rule, civil and territorial wars, rebellions, dictatorships, recessions and earthquakes. Despite all this, Mexico's people are warm and friendly, much of the countryside remains unspoilt by development, and its cities have a unique blend of architecture. Mexican Buildings display a striking combination of colonial and pagan architecture, blending together Art Nouveau, Baroque, Art Deco and Native American design in churches and public structures. The country's culture is a similar blend of the traditional and modern, where pagan meets Christian in a series of festivals, or fiestas, throughout the year.

 Besides a combination of unique culture and fascinating cities, Mexico also has several hundred miles of coastline extending down through both the Pacific and the Caribbean, which has branded the country as an extremely popular beach resort destination. Resort cities such as Acapulco, Cancun and those of the Baja California peninsula are vacation havens. The countryside enclosing these summer retreats is also rich in archaeological treasures with pyramids, ruins of ancient cities and great stone carvings of ancient gods standing as testament to a country once ruled by the Aztecs and Mayans.

 Despite recent reports of drug wars and safety issues Mexico remains a hugely popular and predominantly safe tourist destination. Violence linked to the drug cartels is widespread but seldom aimed at tourists and generally does not spill over into the resort areas.

Travel to Mexico

With enchanting attractions offering plenty of sightseeing opportunities, Mexico has consistently proven to be one of the most popular holiday destinations in the world and for good reason. With its exotic sandy beaches, blue waters and warm climate, extraordinary history and diverse landscapes, it would take a few months, if not years, to explore and discover all that this magical country has to offer.

Spend a few days wandering round the ancient Mayan and Aztec pyramids and ruins, explore the deserts and swamps, marvel at the rainforests and discover a few of the 176 species of orchid along the way, or navigate an eco-tour by mountain bike, jeep, kayak or horseback. There are 58 National Parks conserving indigenous fauna and flora, and the country is a bird-watcher's paradise, with the most species of birds in the whole of North America. Marine life is abundant off these tropical shores and the Parque Natural de la Ballena Gris(Gray Whale National Park) is a must for whale watchers. Beach resort cities such as Acapulco, Cancun and those of the Baja California region are considered to be a slice of heaven. The wonderfully unique architecture and evidence of European colonial rule still exist in the cities, while El Zócalo in Mexico City, the second largest city square in the world, is where it all happens and is the best place to experience some real Mexican flavor!

Most domestic travel throughout Mexico can be done by bus with several dozen companies operating by region. Passenger train transportation between cities is limited but flying domestically is considered the most efficient and safest mode of transport in Mexico.

Live Life, Have Fun and Travel Often!

One single visit is not enough to be able to say that you know Mexico. 
Enrique Pena Nieto

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