Friday, September 20, 2024


BY Clay Larroy

In the world of traveling, there are plenty of great resources available to both new and experienced travelers alike. There are many websites, guides, books, videos, and other resources available. By writing this blog I hope that I am providing valuable information about wonderful vacation destinations. When you want to plan a vacation contact me!

City Of Baths – Budapest

By Cindy Lou Dale

Step through a side-door into the flamboyant art-nouveau foyer of the Gellért Spa where stone swans gracefully spread their wings over a mosaic floor; fronds of exotic plants extravagantly tumble over the balustrade of the gallery and at the center atrium, healing waters gush from the mouths of sapphire dragons into a turquoise swimming pool, framed by amber porcelain figurines, above which looms a tall stained glass dome. The elegant medical baths are a masterpiece of Ottoman architecture and astound the senses. For around $205 (per night, for a double recently refurbished room, including breakfast), you can enjoy the full Gellért Spa experience. There is a unisex indoor pool with a section reserved for men- and women-only. In these reserved sections, massage services are available - but bear in mind these are bracing, Turkish-style massages.   At the entrance to the baths an attendant in hospital whites’ hands you a canvas towel (and a modesty cover for gentlemen) and points you in the direction of a dressing compartment where you disrobe and secure your valuables.
Inside the opulent spa complex the walls are covered with lustrous azure and emerald tiles gilded with honeysuckle and figurines of cherubs embracing above dolphin water fountains. Lower yourself into one of two semi-circular pools and sink up to your neck with a sigh in simmering 96.8°F water. Other patrons of mixed ages huddle together in small groups of two or three while they unwind. A contemplative hush is the favored way to bathe, although the perpetual stream of water generates enough white noise to cover the occasional comment.

Once pleasantly parboiled, progress to the massage mat where a same-sex masseuses (all of whom have a Sumo wrestler look about them) will give you a no-frills, all-business massage, like you’ve never had before - your body will be vigorously pressed and kneaded with soap lather for what seems like a small eternity, but in reality is only 15-minutes.
If you bruise easily, you may prefer the gentler Thai massage available across the foyer from the spa. This hour-long massage is unique, as the certified masseuses use not only their fingers in manipulating your muscles through a thin massage gown, but their hands, elbows, knees and feet as well.
Now well massaged, head to the outdoor pool area, which surpasses any Vegas hotel, as this pool is cloaked in history - including marble steps, ceramic tile mosaics and a luxurious landscape. During off-peak hours in mid-morning and afternoons, the patrons are mostly pensioners desperately seeking relief from arthritis or rheumatism. However, the baths provide more than physical respite, as the hushed atmosphere and exotic surroundings afford one’s psyche a welcome break from the 21st-century.

A massage is just like a movie, really relaxing and a total escape, except in a massage you’re the star. And you don’t miss anything by falling asleep! – Elizabeth Jane Howard

Travel  have fun and create wonderful memories for your family!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


BY Clay Larroy

Across the America many couples are having wonderful wedding after months of planning. The bride and groom will need a honeymoon to rest and recuperate.  Vacations are so important, as it gives us a way to connect with each other in a stress free relaxed environment. Couples that take vacations together build memories that will last a lifetime. Couples' vacations and travel can be a most rewarding experience. When you wantto plan a vacation contact me!

By Cindy Lou Dale

Standing proudly at the center of Eastern Europe’s cultural rebirth is Budapest, the city that drew back the iron curtain from Hungary in 1989, exposing one of the continent’s hottest travel destinations and one which frequently ranks as the best bargain. Paris has its café-society, the Finns their saunas, and the Hungarians have baths - the one attraction that will surely draw you to Budapest, which is the richest capital in hot water springs in the world. In fact, people have been visiting Budapest to take the waters since Roman times in the second and third centuries. However, the true bathing culture was initiated during the Turkish occupation in the 16th and 17th centuries when it became common treatment for rheumatic diseases.
The springs originate within a geological fault that runs through the River Danube and daily produces tons of warm spring water. Temperatures range between 57.2°F to 219.2°F and the waters contain calcium, magnesium, potassium, fluoride, sodium and numerous other minerals Hungarian doctors resolutely claim hold curative powers for all kinds of muscular ailments.

The palatial Hotel Gellért, located on the banks of the River Danube and at the foot of Gellért Hill, houses the most pristine spa in the city. The Hotel, constructed at the turn of the century for the truly discerning traveler, resembles a classic renaissance building found in Vienna or Paris and doggedly clings to service and customs Emperor Franz Joseph would have expected. The 234 rooms are spacious and tastefully furnished. One almost expects to find Agatha Christie’s Inspector Hercule Poirot twirling his moustache at the writing desk, so within keeping is the décor; and their internationally recognized gourmet dining is a highlight to any food connoisseur.

“Saturday is a day for the spa. RELAX, indulge, enjoy, and love yourself, too.” 
Ana Monnar

Travel  and create magnificent memories for your family!

Monday, September 16, 2024



BY Clay Larroy

Traveling can be an important part of your life, whether for business or for pleasure. You need to do all of your research so that you don't forget to pack something important, see what the best methods of transportation are, etc. Avoid crowds and save money by visiting in the off-season. If you want to be able to enjoy your vacation without having to battle a crowd of people everywhere you go, learn when the popular months are for the location and plan your vacation for the less popular time. Be aware, while it can save you money, in some locations you may have to contend with less-than-ideal weather. When you want to plan a vacation contact me!

The Experience
Although your experience will vary from country to country and among the various styles of yoga retreats, there are a number of common denominators to most yoga retreat experiences. Expect simple and clean accommodation - nothing cluttered or fancy, and little high tech - think Zen simplicity with no television, radio or intrusive telephone - and no room service. Nevertheless, visiting retreats and ashrams is typically a very comfortable, enriching experience and in retreats in general have attempted in recent years to make themselves much more accessible to travelers.
If attending a more disciplined, intensive retreat, your room is likely to contain a bed, a table, a chair - and perhaps a single picture or vase of flowers and not much more, apart from a fan for summer and a heater and extra blankets for winter. Some rooms might have a kettle and a facility to make tea or coffee.
You are likely to be woken by an early morning gong around sun rise - although whether you get up to participate in early morning mediations or exercises is usually entirely of your own volition. In fact participation in all events is quietly encouraged, but never monitored or enforced - it’s usually voluntary.
Most meditation centers have a period or noble silence (sometimes referred to, tongue in check, as "no bull" silence) generally from the last teaching in the evening to after breakfast the following morning. It is often challenging to maintain but provides a quiet time to observe both yourself and others - and to learn to drop your inhibitions and communicate on a different level. ("Pass the salt, please" takes on a whole new meaning and teaches you to appreciate things you take for granted).
Three full healthy meals are usually provided. They are generally simple vegetarian meals and what one would consider quiet and calming foods, often homegrown and homemade, and the quantities are plentiful.
You are likely to find an area for meditation, benches out in the open to sit in contemplation and one or several pieces of central focus like a stupa, or large statue, as well as zen sand gardens and possibly even a labyrinth around which you can stretch your legs and mind,
Most centers will supply cushions or stools for seated mediation and mats or other necessary items for yoga or the training you have chosen. There is usually a shop selling incense, small statues, cards, CDs, memorabilia and accessories. They often also have a range of natural soaps and oils and cotton clothing and beautiful shawls as well.
If you’ve not done this sort of thing before, do expect to be stretched - if not (ever so gently) in a physical manner with controlled yoga or flowing taiji exercises, then mentally as your perceptions of reality are questioned - often through silence, sometimes through very simple, but revealing exercises.
On one retreat attended by this author, we were told that the instructor was delayed and that we would all be assigned tasks in the garden for a few hours. Although nobody stood up and complained, we all went through an array of emotions that started with outraged indignation, moved to annoyance and had us muttering under our breath amongst ourselves, and finally to acceptance and the realization that working in the garden (being in the now), was enjoyable... and just as we were beginning to enjoy our work we were told to stop and discuss our feelings. A valuable lesson all round.

What to take
Pack suitable clothing for the season within the country you are visiting. For this type of retreat, with a concentration of healthy and natural living, try to choose cotton clothing (it does crease, but It"s not synthetic and it is more comfortable on the skin) that is loose and does not restrict your movements (if doing yoga of taiji) or your circulation (if sitting still, meditating). Bring an extra warm layer, just in case so that you will be at a comfortable temperature during meditation.
Light color clothing is recommended both because it is less attractive insects and because it does not block the flow of energy and is said to make you more open and receptive to new ideas.
Walking shoes are a good idea. There are usually some beautiful walks through the center grounds. Bring a note book to jot down thoughts, ideas and observations and almost as equally indispensable is insect repellent - but try to find a natural product rather than chemical one.
Depending on the retreat center you will probably find a flashlight useful for walking between buildings at night and a small daypack is useful for packing or storing a jacket, bottle of water (and keeping your room keys safe), and will probably save you several unnecessary trips back to your room to collect something.
Most centers have a library with related books that is open to visitors to the center. Try to leave work-related books at home, along with your normal reading material, and open yourself up to a new experience through the available books.
Your introductory materials to the retreat will most likely provide you with a list of recommended clothing and gear. Other than that - all that is needed is a mind open to new experiences.

Final considerations
Budget for making a donation (often called dhana) to the center and/or the teachers. Most centers charge cost related rates and do not focus on profit - as such, donations go a long way to maintaining and improving the center. Likewise many of the teachers visiting teachers teach for the love it, without remuneration, and most of the resident teachers received a small monthly stipend, so again donations to teachers in appreciation of knowledge and understanding shared is always appreciated. Dhana is not expected but affords you the opportunity to return some loving kindness if it feels right to you.
If you are contemplating some serious training - albeit in yoga, taiji or mediation - do some practice to get into shape both mentally and physically. Some basic stretching, conditioning and toning for yoga, leg strength and taiji training for taiji and some sitting practice for meditation.
Now pack your mat and hit the road. Namaste


Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work.

Experience life bytraveling with friends and family!

Saturday, September 14, 2024



BY Clay Larroy

A vacation can soothe the soul and leave you renewed, refreshed, and invigorated. Whether you are just now starting to plan your next vacation, or are merely looking for travel ideas and suggestions, read all the articles about yoga retreats. So take away some of the stress of making travel plans, and get started thinking about the fun and relaxing times you will soon be having on your next trip! When you are ready to plan an exciting vacation contact me!

Imagine this: you return from your vacation renewed and refreshed, like you really had some time off. At work, you have a stronger sense of purpose, a feeling of authenticity that permeates all of your professional relationships. At home, you are more the person you want to be: strong, energetic and aware. It sounds like you just returned from a retreat at a center specializing in meditation and body soothing yoga. Think clean air, good simple food, no clutter, no telephones... and time to unwind and get reacquainted with yourself and loved ones. Far from being a "new age" junket, yoga retreats are a way to reconnect with the simple process of being. When all goes as planned, you not only return home feeling on top of the world - as though you really have had a holiday -, you will return with knowledge on how to maintain your newly centered feeling when back in the hustle and bustle of your everyday life.
Breathe slowly and deeply and relax into the thought of blissful peace and tranquility. Forget the mass market cruises, the theme parks and the mad rush of too much in too little time. A meditation retreat does not mean that you HAVE to go to India, or sit unmoving in a cold cave at the top of a remote mountain. Meditation, yoga, taiji, and similar mind/body experiences, encompassing anything from spiritual to philosophical, are available in almost every corner of the world from Buddhist retreats in Africa to yoga centers in Taiwan and Zendos in Switzerland. While this article focuses on yoga, many of the same opportunities exist for combining travel and other body/mind disciplines.
With a few structured searches through your favorite yoga magazine and a visit to your travel agent, you will be able to plan your own relaxing trip to the retreat of your choice and combine a wonderful vacation with the study of a relaxing, spiritual discipline - long before your incense stick has burned all the way down.

Choosing a Retreat
There is a mind-boggling array of retreat options from which to choose. As always, the best place to start is a careful consideration of your interests and the destinations that coincide with your interests. If you already have a particular yoga style that you follow or you know of a teacher or instructor with whom you would like to study, you have successfully narrowed your choices! If, however, you are open to a variety of options, there are yoga retreats in hundreds of locations and venues: castles, beaches, ashrams and city parks. You can choose tropical locations in Hawaii, practice yoga in the Alps or salute the sun in a monastery in California. Because yoga is so widely practiced and because every village, hamlet, town and city has a multitude of schools and styles available, it is not an exaggeration to say that anywhere you desire to visit, there you will find an opportunity to practice yoga with an instruction.
The more interesting challenge will be to determine whether you are looking for a resort type of experience or a deeper, more intensive experience. Most resorts provide some opportunity for yoga practice, so with informal classes and other with more formal instruction. The resort experience typically ensures that you will stay limber and toned while enjoying a more traditional vacation experience. Resorts offer flexibility and chance to practice while vacationing with others who may be non-practitioners.
Yoga retreats and ashrams, on the other hand, focus on yoga as the reason for attending. At a yoga retreat, you are immersed in the world of yoga: new positions, philosophies, styles and practices. Those around you are practitioners and your instructors are advance adepts. Your time is structured your meals planned, your activities centered on yoga practice. You experience yoga as part of a community in a sanctuary of like-minded individuals.
When choosing your own yoga vacation experience, find a point on the spectrum of opportunities with which you and any traveling companions will be comfortable. Will everyone in your group be happy with your choice? Do you want to commit to hours of practice each day or would a class in the morning followed by your own choice of activities be more to your liking? Do you want a structured environment? How much of each day is given over to actual practice and how much to other activities? Is the yoga style one with which you are comfortable? Inquire about daily routines. Do participants rise at dawn or are classes available on a regular schedule throughout the day. When are meals? Are there opportunities for non-scheduled activities or is the routine regimented? In general, what are the ambiance and the rhythm of the retreat you have under consideration?
When evaluating a range of possible retreats, consider the demographics of the retreat’s typical client. Does the retreat host a range of yoga practitioner skills, or does it focus on the novice or advanced practitioner? What is the age range and gender of a typical client? Finding yourself out of your skill level or mixed with others with whom you have little in common will likely result in disappointment. Also, inquire about the number of students that will be present during your visit. Too small a group results in little interaction with a variety of people while too many students’ means less interaction with instructors.
Accommodations and facilities vary widely from yoga retreat to retreat. Some have very luxurious and soothing environments while others provide a very Spartan appointment. Many yoga resorts are also spas, providing a host of amenities and services such as exercise rooms, weights, saunas and massage. Others are quiet centers for meditation and reflection. Again, your personal preferences and the goals you have set for yourself will dictate your choice. What is important is to be well informed prior to making your selections and deposits!

Diet and food are often very important aspects of a yoga retreat’s amenities. Again, inquire with regard to the dietary philosophies and food preparations during your planning stages. Most will provide a range of foods and diets, from vegetarian to full cuisine, from raw food diets and all manner of specialty culinary experiences in between. Make sure that your own goals match closely the dietary offerings of the center you will be visiting. Note too that most facilities on the more intensive side of the spectrum do not allow caffeine or alcohol and may restrict other substances as well. A week or more of a highly specialized diet can either be a blessing or a burden, so choose with care.
In providing your travel arrangements, travel agents can access a large array of travel options and discounts not available to the public at large. Travel agents work with tour operators that package air travel, accommodations and land transportations at large discounts from the retail purchase of those same components. Thus, a travel agent is a great place to go with assistance in your travel arrangements regardless of your choice of destination for your yoga retreat. Your travel costs and opportunities, as well as the climate of your preference may have a lot to do with the season during which you choose to visit your yoga center. Ask your travel consultant to price both peak and off-peak travel seasons to provide you with some insight into the range of travel opportunities available to you.

The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past.
Andre Maurois

Travel to experience life with those you love!


Thursday, September 12, 2024




Travel is so much more that simply hopping on a flight to a new destination. If you plan it correctly, it could be a thrilling time you'll never forget. Planning a trip is fun as there are tons of things to do and see. Do you know how to plan a trip effectively? Packing light is key to making your travels as easy and free of stress as possible. Bring one carryon bag that includes everything you need, not necessarily everything you want. Your smart packing will pay off when you are happily carrying one bag around on vacation instead of lugging around multiple bags. When you want to plan a vacation contact me!

Upon arriving at a typical spa, you’ll be greeted by a staff member who will assign your accommodations and can give you a brief tour, explaining how your time will be structured and how to prepare and dress for any planned activities. For most body services, you will undress completely, but your therapist will allow you to disrobe in private and will keep your body draped in sheets or towels, only exposing areas as needed for the treatment. During wet services such as body scrubs, body wraps and hydrotherapies, you will not be draped, in order to reap maximum benefits - but swimsuits are usually optional. Depending on the character of the spa, many aspects of treatment can be modified to your taste and budget.
Most spas have overarching dietary philosophies, and your diet during your stay will be of particular importance. Some serve alcohol and caffeine but many do not. Again, make sure to match your personal preferences closely to the character of the spa so you’ll have the experience you expect and will get the most from your visit.

Spa Etiquette
Before entering a shared pool, always shower. When enjoying the dry sauna or steam room, sit on your towel and wear the sandals provided by the spa. Customs vary in terms of whether or not to wear a swimsuit in wet facilities. Most people enjoy wet rooms in the nude with a wrapped towel, but if modesty is an issue, wearing a swimsuit is generally acceptable as well, and you can always ask about a specific spa’s policies in advance.
Share public space respectfully with other spa goers. Smoking is prohibited at most spas. Turn off your cell phone when you enter a spa, or better yet, leave it in the room with the rest of your valuables - or at home, so you can truly relax.
Tipping is common practice. Some spas will include tips in their package prices. Ask the spa staff or your tour operator if you’re unsure. The rule of thumb in spas is 10%-15% of the cost of service, or about $10.00 to $15.00 for a one-hour treatment.

In general, check the weather before you go so you know what to pack - and pack with your comfort in mind. Depending on your spa’s activities, you may need to bring a swimsuit, workout wear, a jacket, running or walking shoes, hiking boots, and casual shoes. At some spas, clothing and equipment are available for purchase and a robe and sandals are usually provided at no additional charge. You might find that you can pack fewer toiletries, since the dressing rooms of many spas have razors, soap, shampoo, skin lotion and deodorant.
If you’re going on an international trip, a valid passport and sometimes a visa is required - make sure to obtain these items well in advance of your travel dates. To protect against baggage loss, trip cancellation or interruption and unexpected health emergencies, consider purchasing travel insurance. Your travel agent can assist you with these details and any others that will help you relax and prepare for you trip.
One of the most important things you can do before your spa vacation is give yourself a day or two to mentally unwind before leaving. Though this might sound counter-intuitive, since unwinding is often the whole point of a spa vacation, this time will give your mind a chance to become more open and receptive to the experience. It is often difficult to leave work and responsibilities behind, but the sooner you start, the more benefits you’ll receive from your spa vacation.
So go ahead. Pamper yourself. If you don’t do it, who will?

This is love: the flowering of love is meditation.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

 Travel  have fun and create wonderful memories for your family!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024




Do you feel like it is time for a short vacation? Once you decide to travel, how good you plan the trip will help you feel comfortable and be comfortable at your destination. Not only will you feel less anxiety before the trip, but you can rest assured that once you arrive where you're going you will have a good understanding of what's going on there.  When you need to plan a vacation contact me!

You’re the kind of person who enjoys the senses, who wants to be pampered, or who wants to make a healthy lifestyle a part of your everyday life. You take candle-lit baths (or wish you could), enjoy aromatherapy and appreciate the stress-relieving effects of a good massage. When it comes time to vacation, you’re not just thinking sun and surf but health, diet and a mud bath! You are exactly the kind of person who may want to consider treating yourself to a spa vacation.
The word spa, taken from the name of the famous mineral springs in Spa, Belgium, has become an all-inclusive term for a commercial establishment with facilities for exercising, bathing, and treatment. The range of facilities and services available at spas run the gamut from what you might find at the local YMCA to high-end specialty spas, where your entire body-mind is completely immersed in the experience for hours at a time. The former offers fitness and health assessments, body composition analysis, personal training, physiotherapy, gymnasiums with state-of-the-art equipment, and an outdoor pool for activities like volleyball and aqua aerobics, while the latter offers a full menu of services from massage to body wraps to herbal saunas.

The scent of lavender lingers in the air. The soothing sound of softly flowing water swirls gently into your ears. Warm ginger tea tingles your taste buds. A soft robe rubs gently across your skin. A spa vacation excites the senses, but the benefits don’t stop there. There’s also the luxury of experiencing the long lost art of relaxation and revitalization, with no end to additional health benefits. The toxic environment and diet of the modern world exposes us to pollutants and substances that accumulate in our body tissue and bloodstream. Some spas specialize in treatments that can eliminate toxins through a combination of massage, sauna, oils, mild fasting and colon therapy. Don’t be intimidated though. Nothing is more important on a spa vacation than reminding yourself that the experience is all about you! After all, sometimes simply a good sweat is all you need to feel healthier. You can do as much or as little as you’d like to improve the feeling of your own body, and you can relax knowing you’ll be under the eye of skilled therapists and nutritionists who have your best interests and desires in mind.

Two major decisions in planning a spa vacation are 1) what experiences you want from the visit, and 2) where you want to go. A wide variety of spa options are available; some focus on your diet, others on physical activity, relaxation and pampering, and/or your spiritual health. Some spas are very structured in their approach to treatments, while others allow for individual variation. Those spas focusing on diet and exercise are typically the most structured in their disciplines and scheduling. Your goals for a spa vacation will largely dictate the type of spa you choose and your willingness to forgo flexibility during your stay. Destination? Have you always wanted to visit New York? Miami? Los Angeles? What about someplace more exotic? India? Budapest? Let your imagination roam. Spas are available around the world, allowing you to find a vacation just about anywhere your heart desires. Your travel consultant can provide you with details on dozens of spa vacations and themes and the amenities provided by each. Most spas will offer week-long packages that include meals, activities and accommodations. In some instances, steeply discounted airfares are also included.
If you are on a budget or only have time for a short trip - consider a stay at a hotel famous for its spa treatments, and you can recreate the luxury of a dedicated spa vacation on your own. Your travel agent can recommend hotels with specialized spas in most locations and may even be able to obtain special rates for you. With a spa pass, a few therapy appointments lined up, room service, and several visits to the pool, hot tub and gym, you can enjoy a few days in near heaven on your own schedule.


The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past.
Andre Maurois

Live life and travel often, the more you travel, the more memories you create!

Sunday, September 8, 2024


BY Clay Larroy

In the world of traveling, there are plenty of great resources available to both new and experienced travelers alike. There are many websites, guides, books, videos, and other resources available. By writing this blog I hope that I am providing valuable information about the wonderful vacation destinations in the Caribbean. When you want to plan a vacation contact me!


Guyana is an amazing blend of the Caribbean and South America. The name Guyana is an Amerindian word meaning "Land of Many Waters". Guyana offers a distinct tourism product, consisting of vast open spaces, savannahs, pristine rainforests, mountains, rivers, waterfalls, bountiful wildlife, numerous species of flora, a variety of fauna, spectacular birdlife and most of all the hospitality of the Guyanese people.

Our beautiful country is a tropical paradise and has much to offer; adventure, tranquility, history, beauty, nature and an inimitable blend of warm and friendly people with the richness of many cultures. Our interior is an eco-tourist's dream with multitude of immense and striking waterfalls, creeks and rivers; virgin rainforest; an abundance of wildlife that includes more than 800 species of birds and over 1000 tree species in its savannahs.

Tours in Guyana
Kaieteur Overland Tour
Envision 45, 000 gallons of lush black water thundering down a rock escarpment every second. Wonder in the sky dance of thousands upon thousands of scissor-tailed Swifts or soak in the culture of the prolific mountain hunters, the Patamonas. Take the overland journey through dense jungle for nights besides refreshing and scenic waterfalls, while pondering the language of the wildlife. Then take the 1,800 feet mountain hike to experience the magnificence of the 741-feet single drop waterfalls. We guarantee you'll say "Oh, my God" at both the adventure and the beauty that you behold. Contact us for more information or to book an overland tour contact: Rainforest Tours or  Wilderness Explorers

Essequibo River Tour
An early start to this day will take us by bus to the departure point of the small market town of Parika. From here we will take an open boat up the mighty Essequibo River. Our first stop will take us to an Old Dutch Fort where artifacts are still being found onto this day. After a tour of the fort we will head off for a visit to a “ River Beach” called Saxacalli. Further up the river we meet the junction of the Mazaruni River and visit the frontier town of Bartica. Bartica is the hub of activities and recreation of miners who work the many gold and diamond claims of the interior.

Then further up the river, we pass through both rapids and still waters to the site of our picnic lunch. We take some time for a short hike through the rainforest, to a wonderful (if chilly) inland waterfall where the adventurous may climb the falls for a refreshing dip in a natural pool, with howler monkeys and parrots chattering overhead. Then we take a leisurely trip down the river with the sun on our backs…a fine end to a fine day.

City Tour
Georgetown is the Capital and largest town in Guyana. The town was designed by the Dutch as an outpost to protect their settlement during the 17th century. Gerogetown is referred to as the 'garden city' and boosts a combination of wood work and concrete buildings dated back to the early 19th century. The St. Georges Cathedral purportedly the largest wooding building is found in Georgetown along with the famous Stabroek Market, the Kinsgton Seawall and Bourda Cricket Ground.

Guyana's El dorado Rum tour

Voted among the best Rum in the World and a winner of several medals, the El Dorado Rum is a line of production by the Demerara Distillery. Visitors will see how this unique blend of Eldorado 5, 10 or 15 years old rum is being produced. The very ancient techniques of rum making is alive in Guyana from Continuous Stills, Wooden Coffey and Wooden Pot Stills are all used to produce this rich blend of El dorado rum.


Live, Love and Travel to create memories that will last a lifetime!

Friday, September 6, 2024



Travel in May and October to avoid crowds, save money and enjoy temperate weather. In those months, many families with children cannot travel due to school commitments, making many tourist attractions much less crowded. This may also result in lower costs for airfare and hotels. As an added bonus, the weather in May and October is usually perfect for traveling -- not too hot and not too cold.  When you are ready to plan a vacation contact me!

Cartagena is a fantastic city that guards the secrets of history in its walls, balconies, buildings and narrow cobbled streets.
The magic of Cartagena lies in its massive fortifications, the warmth of the people, the richness of the architecture and the infinite range of cultural expression of a doughty and valiant people.
The city is full of romance, and there is the setting for many a tale of times past in every street and square, and along the walls that bound it, waiting for the sunset to evoke past struggles.
On a sunny day vibrates with color along the facades of the buildings and the sea breeze refreshes the visitor on his way along the narrow streets of the old city.
The monuments are there: sober, ancient monasteries, churches, battlements and the remains of bloody battles: a testimony to the invincible men and women who brought freedom to the “heroic city”.
Night falls, and is bathed in a light of its own, coming to life and transforming itself. It is a unique atmosphere that captivates the visitor and takes him back to times past and forgotten, in a horse and carriage.
From the walls there is a beautiful view of the sea. Then, euphoria grows and the tireless fiesta dances on until the first rays of the sun sweep away the mysteries of the night.
Yes, this is Cartagena. A city that tells its own past, its fascinating history and its rebirth in every age.
Things to do

The 17th century governor of Cartagena, Don Francisco de Murga ordered the construction of the city's principal fortification, the San Felipe de Barajas Castle in 1656. Spanish

The Spanish tickler, the guillotine, the rack and the witches' scale are just four of the friendly artifacts on display on this glorious palace built for the

Housed in a charming colonial house on the Plaza Bolivar rescued by Colombia's central bank, the Zenú gold museum boasts a priceless insight into the pre-Colombian culture

Cartagena's most famous landmark, The Torre del Reloj, or Clock Tower, was once the main gateway to the walled city. It was originally called Boca del Puente

Las Bóvedas is a great place to go if you're looking to pick up some Colombian souvenirs, located along the city walls

Cartagena's most ambitious arts initiative, the city's first Contemporary Art Biennale, kicks of on February 7 with more than 100 artists from more than 50 countries  

It can be disenchanting to walk past endless stands of mass-produced maracas, Panama hats and mochilas in Cartagena's Old City

The opening of Nohra Haime's gallery space in 2011 at a time when curators in London, New York and Paris were tuning in to Colombia's vibrant art



Travel to create marvelous memories for you and your family or friends!