Saturday, August 12, 2023



A vacation can soothe the soul and leave you renewed, refreshed, and invigorated. Whether you are just now starting to plan your next vacation, or are merely looking for travel ideas and suggestions, read all the articles about travel. So take away some of the stress of making travel plans, and get started thinking about the fun and relaxing times you will soon be having on your next trip! When you are ready to plan an exciting vacation contact me!

Your first night in a new place can be intimidating, but you have several ways to make it less so. While safety may seem questionable, wandering the streets during the day is a good way to orient yourself, as long as you stay in the right neighborhoods. Before you head out, check with hotel staff to be sure you’re aware of areas to avoid, and remember the hotel address in the event that you get lost - tucking a copy of the hotel’s business card in your pocket is always a smart strategy. And if you do happen to get lost, remember that everything is an adventure... and it will make a great story.
Staying in a large hotel can make it difficult to meet fellow guests, but hotel staff will usually be happy to introduce you to other travelers, assuming you want some company. Most resorts have activity co-coordinators, so if you get to know them, you’ll meet people in no time.
Talking to strangers could be easier than you think - and you may not have a choice in the matter. People generally don’t hesitate to speak to someone who’s alone, and some of your most memorable travel experiences may come from spontaneous invitations to join a group for a meal or special outing. A smile and a little eye contact go a long way, even if you don’t speak the local language. And while eating alone is something a lot of people don’t enjoy, there’s no reason to hide away in a hotel room with take-out food. Being comfortable on your own is a skill you can develop, and you can get started by choosing a lively cafe or bistro with lots of people. If you feel conspicuous, consider sitting at the counter, where you can enjoy a drink or watch your food being prepared. Take something to read, or simply indulge in people-watching.

Safety is important for any traveler, but more so if you are alone. Be aware of everything going on around you - watch the television, read the news, talk to your concierge or guide. When you walk, keep your head up and walk confidently. Pay attention to what the locals wear and dress like they do, so you fit in.
Talk to your travel agent about what to wear, cultural etiquette, and State Department or other government-issued warnings for your destination - understanding all these aspects of travel equally is important to maintain your safety. That said, traveling safely is easy with a little common sense: never leave your luggage unattended, don’t leave valuables in your room, don’t drink excessively or accept questionable drinks or food, and keep your money in a money belt worn under your clothes. Always have a backup plan and make sure someone is familiar with your itinerary - even if it’s a quick call or email back home. Once you’ve thought through all the safety scenarios, you get to relax and enjoy your trip.
On the bright side, even many destinations like Egypt no longer bat an eye at a woman who dines alone, and despite standard safety concerns, the 21st century offers any independent traveler new freedoms and opportunities they’ve never had before.
Traveling alone inherently means you’ll have many moments to think, meditate, or just let your mind wander. Keeping a journal of your experiences make take some discipline, but writing daily will fill the time en route to a new stop on your journey and will also be an invaluable record of your trip. If you’re so inclined, consider your journal just as important, or more so, than a camera in documenting your time - once you re-read where you’ve been and what you’ve done, you’ll have no trouble recalling your experiences.
Speak to anyone who’s traveled alone, and they’ll tell you that one of the best perks is that you can pick up and go whenever and wherever you want - complete freedom, no distractions, and endless possibilities. So if you’ve always dreamed of going somewhere, it may be best not to wait for someone to come with you. Just plan the trip and go - traveling alone is one of the most unique and fulfilling experiences any soul could ever have.

“To awaken alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.” – Freya Stark

Travel  have fun and create wonderful memories for your family!

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