Monday, June 10, 2024


By Clay Larroy

After working and studying hard all year long families across the United States will be taking long awaited vacations. Family vacations and travel can be the most rewarding experience. Families that take vacations together build memories that will last a lifetime. Family vacations are so important, as it gives us a way to connect with each other in a stress free relaxed environment. When you need to plan a trip contact me!

San Cristobal de las Casas

The colonial village of San Cristobal de las Casas is the jewel in the center of the cool Chiapas highlands, nestled in a valley and surrounded by forests and hills. San Cristobal de las Casas is close to a number of traditional
Mayan villages, and the town still retains a palpable indigenous soul, coexisting harmoniously with its colonial charm.

The town was originally established as a Spanish stronghold against the surrounding indigenous communities. It is a picturesque place of cobbled lanes and long rambling streets that undulate with the hilly terrain, squat
whitewashed houses with red tiled roofs, flower-filled patios, wrought iron balconies, shady plazas, ornate facades and lavish churches. The main plaza was the Spanish center of town and today it is the best place to sit and watch life pass by. The cathedral dominates the northern side and its steps are always busy with playful, ragged children, arriving and departing worshippers, resting passersby and vendors. North of the plaza the daily market is a fascinating bustle of indigenous life, a trading space for local produce and household goods.

The streets and plazas are filled with the vibrancy of people from the surrounding villages who give the town its character and dominate its trade. The region is known for its colorful handicrafts, traditional markets, fascinating local fiestas, legends and mystical ceremonies that are influenced by the Mayan ancient traditions and way of life. Each barrio or neighborhood of the city has a distinctive identity, rooted in the old custom of trade, with candle making, carpentry or blacksmith shops the predominant feature in each. San Cristobal is an invigorating yet peaceful town: a good base from which to enjoy the graceful colonial atmosphere and to explore the highland region and the outlying Indian villages. The grand Mayan site at Palenque can be visited from here, as well as Agua Azul, a dazzling series of waterfalls and turquoise pools that are one of Mexico's natural wonders.



Enjoy life and travel often, the more you travel, the more memories you create!


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